They were posting words of advices to Aquino that he should quit smoking. Some say, he should get marry to Shalani. But more Filipinos is hoping for change and that he should choose the right Cabinet members for his administration, some positions are opted for presidentiables, Gibo, Gordon and Bayani. There are reforms needed in every sector of the government, some indicated GSIS, POEA, TESDA, DPWH and the Bureau of Customs among many others. Others are looking for justice on Hacienda Luisita Massacre. Some who didn't vote for him also showed their support by congratulating him and sending him good luck. Some has words of caution, telling him they would watch out on his promises.
Follow 'Dear NoyNoy' Facebook page here http://www.facebook.com/pages/DEAR-NOYNOY-AQUINO-suggestions-to-a-new-president/121758441177379?
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